You only die once... make sure you are living

Are you really living or just going through the motions of the daily grind of life?

Might be a little morbid, we all only die once, but we get to live! This one precious life that we get.


I was guilty of sleepwalking through life, I got lost in my own shame and unworthiness, stuck in grief after losing my mom and my then my health, my identity as a mom. I felt like a zombie, just getting from one day to the next. Sure, I was living and loving and doing and there were plenty of happy moments, but inside I knew there was more, there was something calling me a different way of life.


I finally "woke" up and started really taking on my own stories and wounds. I started waking up to the possibility of living a life I would love. I woke up and started living the dream.  I had a dream of living near the beach, paddle boarding and coaching. I had never been on a paddle board, but I knew it was going to be my jam and it is!.  I had a vision of teaching people how live happy healthy and worthy lives, and I am.  

Is it all unicorns and rainbows... of course not. But i'm not numbing out with netflix and bottles of wine to avoid my life and my feelings. I'm not reacting to everyone and everything around me. I'm judging and complaining about my life and circumstances. I'm not apathetic about my health and well being.  I am not a human doing I am a human being. I know how to manage my mind, my life and how to live today, not someday.


This is your one chance at life... dream it, believe it, claim it, live it.